Thursday, November 1, 2012

Another exciting thing to happen around here this week is that my mom came out to visit. The kids love having her here and so do I. I took her around to see all the places and to meet all the people I always talk about. It’s so great having her around. 

Dan, just hanging out.

Playing outside with Willy.

Cyril, Lavender and Sammy.

My mom and Margaret

Lavender practicing walking.

Newton and Sammy

Willy the photographer.


Mary and her mother, Katherine

Visiting Henry

Franco and Marvelous

The whole gang from Purpose Driven Academy

Cuddle time!




Visiting Sister Freda

Visiting Margaret, the head master of Purpose Driven Academy.

Sammy snacking on some goodies my mom brought from home.

Selina and Jennifer

Lavender coloring in her stander. 


Our to dinner with good friends. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're mom got to come out and see you! These are wonderful pics. I'm amazed at how much you've been doing with the kids and families there in such a short time! May God continue to bless your work there.
