Monday, September 23, 2013

Sammy Moves In

We found out more about Sammy’s story this week. He was born at the District Hospital and his mother left and never brought him home. She told his father, Julius, that the baby died and he hasn’t seen her since then. So Sammy spent his first four months of life alone in the hospital until a neighbor saw Sammy there and realized is was Julius’ son. So he took Sammy home and struggled to care for him, which is how he ended up in the hospital again with meningitis and TB. 

Sammy is now cleared from all of his illnesses that he had when we first met him. His father loves him, but doesn’t have the knowledge or resources to give him the care that he needs especially all by himself. We decided that the safest place for Sammy would be in the home. At such a young age it is crucial that he receives proper care and therapy for him to reach his full potential when he grows older. 

We took him to the doctor to get a full check up. We noticed he has seizures and the doctor prescribed medication to help get those under control. Other than that he is still taking medicine to make sure the TB doesn’t come back, but he is no longer contagious. 

Sammy is doing great. He is already making great improvements. It’s amazing how a warm bed, being clean and food such basic needs enable a child to improve so quickly. He is finally getting the basic comforts that he's been missing out on his whole life. 

He is a great little addition to the group. The other kids love having a baby around and love helping to take care of him. 
Allan holding little Sammy's hand

He loves being held and just wants to know there is someone near him. It's crazy to see such a tiny kid who has been through so much in his life already. We are blessed to have Sammy in the house and to be a part of his story and show him love and care for the first time in his life. 

New Classroom, New Students, New Friends

We are blessed to have many  new faces around the house this week. We added three new students this term and they are all a joy to have around. We have grown so much in these last few months that we decided to add another teacher. Now we divide the students into baby class and middle class. The special education students stay with the middle class. Now there is a smaller student to teacher ratio and they all that enough space where they can learn.

Middle Class

Baby class 

Angel started with us this week. She is a quiet little girl, but a very quick learner and we are excited to have her around. 

Little Nathaniel couldn’t keep his eyes open on the first day of school. He is getting used to coming and is already making lots of new friends.

We met Prudence last year, but did not take her to come stay at the house because her parents are great and take very good care of her. Her parents heard that we started in school and her sponsor decided to have her come during the day and learn with us. She has a great smile and loves greeting anyone who walks into the room. We are glad that she is now in school and getting the physical therapy that she needs to continue improving. 

Marvelous and Maureen came to the house a couple months ago when they were sick.  After having them around they quickly became part of the group so we decided to keep them around.Marvelous had been going to Purpose Driven Academy in the preschool that they have there. It's great to see her real personality coming out in an environment where she feels at home. At school she was always so quiet and at the house she is the center of attention. She is the fastest talker and most animated storyteller I have ever heard. 

Maureen’s mother works at the house, but she had been staying with her grandparents. She is such a sweet little girl with a very helpful heart. She loves playing with all of the kids especially little Manu. Every night after dinner time she gets the broom and starts sweeping with out even being asked. We are excited to have her around for good. 

One of our other house moms sister recently passed away leaving sweet little Ziporah all alone. She had no where to go so we brought her to stay at the house as well. She was very shy for the first week, but now she is warming up to being in a new place and doing well. She has a sassy little attitude and a sweet smile.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sammy's Journey to Recovery

I met Sammy at the District Hospital in July. He was so malnourished and on top of that had tuberculosis, meningitis and cerebral palsy. The meningitis was so bad that his entire body was arched all of the way back and you could barely hold him. He is only a year and a half, but because of the cerebral palsy his milestones are delayed and he doesn’t have full control of his head and cannot sit without being supported.
Sammy on the first day I met him

I talked to his father, Julius, and he told me that his wife had taken Sammy to the hospital the month before. She left him there and went home and told Julius that Sammy had died then packed her things and left. Julius went to the hospital so that he could bury his son and found him still alive in the ward. He stayed there with him for two whole months and cared for him. It’s encouraging to see a father who cares so much about his son.
Sammy a few weeks later.

My heart broke when I saw Sammy’s situation so I visited him weekly and brought him l clothes, blankets, soap, food and other little things that he needed. He is such a strong little guy and he looked healthier and stronger each time I went to see him.
Sammy in his new clean clothes.

Sammy has improved so much and was discharged from the hospital this week. We would like to move him into the home, but for now we need to make sure that the tuberculosis is fully out of his system before we put him with the other children. The treatment lasts for 90 days and if you miss one day you have to start all over again. He has one month of injections left, then if his blood test shows that he is healthy we will move him into the house. 

Until then we moved them into a home near Sammy’s grandmother so that she can keep an eye on his progress and help her son care for him.  They are near a hospital so he can be taken daily for his injection. 

It is great to see how much progress he is made in such a short amount of time and we are excited to see him continue to improve. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Progress on the Property

I would like to start by saying  huge thank you for all of your support. It is encouraging to see people that are so willing to give and help us along this journey. So far we are making progress on the land and are exciting that things are coming together. So far we have leveled out the property, put up a fence and put in a water tap.

All fenced in.

Leveling out the land.

The water tap.

We also constructed pit latrines for use before we put in the septic tank. 

Digging the hole for the latrines.
Mixing the cement.

All finished!

We also had an architect in town draw up plans for property. In the future we are hoping to purchase the plot next to ours so we can duplicate this plan on the other side. That way we will have eight classrooms plus a boys and a girls dorm.
The first part of the building plans.

We have been working on getting permits and approval for the buildings and after all of that comes through we will be able to start construction. After getting better estimate of the prices for a temporary structure we realized that it would be a better use of our funds to start construction on the main house first, even if the progress is slow. We are hoping to be able to lay the foundation soon and go from there.

Thank you again for all of your prayers and support. We thank God for putting such faithful people to come alongside the work we are doing at Precious Kids Center and walk down this path with us.