This past Saturday I had a very cool experience that is unlike anything that I have done here in Kitale. The team was having a laid back day after a crazy week of going around nonstop when we got a call from the headmaster of Purpose Driven Educational Center. He called to tell us that it was Parent's Day for the 8th graders at the school. Parent's day here is much different than what I would have expected. The class had 49 students and there were only about 15 parents present. I went there to show my support and love for Protenciana. You may have heard about her before, her siblings, Junior, Stella and Allan, are the kids that we picked up and enrolled in school last year. The interesting things about being back in Kitale is that there are certain kids that God has placed on my heart and I have come to know and love them so much. Despite her circumstances, Protenciana has managed to be in the number 8 spot out of all of her classmates. She tries so hard at everything that she does and is not discouraged. She has a great heart and is completely selfless.
While I was sitting in the meeting it hit me that supporting someone in Kenya means so much more than just handing them money. Her teacher, Titus, who she stays with when school is on break always refers to her as "our girl" when he is talking to me. When I am here it is my job to make sure that she and her siblings are taken care of because if I don't there are very few who will. The sad reality is that it is likely that very soon these kids may become complete orphans. Without even knowing it, these four kids have become mine in a way. It is overwhelming, but I have great people around me to serve as an example of how to invest in people's lives in a way that shows your love and support for them. Pastor Steve has been involved in ministry in Kitale for 15 years and supports a group of children called the Mercy kids that he helped bring out of a horrible situation that involved neglect, abuse and intense poverty. These children are now students at Purpose Driven Academy and are thriving. I hope to follow his example and carry out God's will for my time here. I know that it impossible to step in and change every situation I see that breaks my heart, but I can provide my time, encouragement and love while I am here. I can't wait to see what God has in store for these kids and how he plans to use them in the future. Here is a picture of Protenciana and I in her classroom.

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