Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sorry for the big break in blog posts.Things have really picked up speed around here. The rest of the college students that will be serving here this summer have arrived and we are busy showing them all the wonderful places that I have come to know and love over the few months that I have spent over here. This week I have been reminded of how much God has done in everyone's lives and how everyone has an incredible story to tell. As the team gets acqainted with Kitale, I am getting a second chance to hear the testimonies of the directors of the different ministry sites and of many of the kids who benefit from the work that goes on there. As I hear these stories I continue to be amazed at the joy that these people have despite where they have come from and what they have been through.

We went to visit Gigal Secondary School. They had just moved to a new place with more room, better buildings and out of the slum area in town. I love this place because of the huge hearts for God that everyone there has. The directors, Ben and Christine are a perfect example of what it looks like to live by faith. They started this high school as a way to fund their church and other ministries, and it ended up becoming their main ministry. They are by no means considered wealthy and often times come very close to running out of food for their students. Ben said that just this week the teaching staff called to tell him that there was no food left to make the kids lunch. Ben responded by telling them not to worry and that God always provides. Sure enough shortly after, Ben recieved a call from a friend who was visiting from England and wanting to give him money to help with the school. Ben has countless stories just like this, he is a man of faith and he and his wife have passed this onto the 48 high school students who are under their care. Ben was talking about the kids and said, "I love these kids because they wake up everyday knowing that God is going to do something great." God has blessed there ministry and they have recently expanded and started an orphanage with 28 children. I love this school and can't wait to spend more time learning from everyone there. Here are some pictures of a few of the kids that I had a chance to talk to and share with.

This picture is with my favorite kid from Oasis of Hope. His name is Brian and he is thirteen years old. It is hard to get his full story because of his limited knowledge of English and my limited knowledge of Swahili. Despite the language barrier, I was able to learn that he lives with just his mother and walks 2 hours each way to get to Oasis of Hope everyday. His mother cannot afford food or school fees so Oasis is his only hope. I love that despite his situation he is still so happy and works hard in school.

Thanks once again for checking out the blog to see what I have been up to. Your prayers and support are much appreciated. More pictures and stories to come soon!

1 comment:

  1. Sammy.
    I love every word and every picture that you post. I am taking it all in like a sponge. I am so happy for you and for the people of Kitale that you get to be there. You know how sad I am to not be there with you! You are in my constant prayers. Love you so much.

    ps. The picture of you and Elia is so dang cute. I couldn't help but giggle a bit when I saw him. Thanks for sharing!
