These past two days the team has spent a lot of time with Sister Freda. Yesterday we went to help with a clinic in Kipsango. Kipsango is one of the biggest and poorest slums in Kitale. It is known for being a place full of idle people with nothing to do and nowhere to go. There are almost 3,000 people that live in an area that is only 3 acres. The people there are completely desperate, left with no way to make money and no hope. We walked through and greeted everyone and just showed them that we loved them. Many residents of Kitale go their whole lives without ever going to Kipsango because of the things that go on there. Without having any education they are unable to find work so many resign themselves to the fact that their lives will never change and sit around drinking the local brew all day. The houses are mainly made up of trash bags, clothes and other various materials that other people discard. The clinic line was full the entire day and Sister Freda and her staff worked all day to serve as many people as they could. The people came in with everything from malaria, tuberculosis, huge open wounds and pretty much any disease imaginable. Despite their desperation it was good to see Sister Freda's love for these people that everyone else avoids.
Today we visited Sister Freda's hospital. For those of you who don't know she serves the community by providing a feeding program for children around the area. There is also a place where children who have no where to go stay and live on the property. They are in the process of preparing to open up a nursing school to create a generation of nurses with huge hearts for the hurting. Of course there is the hospital that provides people with the healthcare they need regardless if they are able to pay or not. Here are some pictures of the many kids that Sister Freda helps. I know that many of you love Sister Freda and the people that she helps and loves so here are some pictures for you.
Some of the orphans that stay at Sister Fredas
From left to right: Adoti, Agustine, and Elia.

This picture is for all of my 4-H'ers out there.
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