The Lord is taking me on an amazing journey. His love has stretched me and caused me to expand my faith in ways that I never imagined. God has broken my heart for many people in Kitale, but the people whose suffering disturbs me the most are those children who have special needs. There is a huge stigma against anyone who is different here. That, plus a lack of education, especially in the slums makes life that much harder for those children with disabilities. However, even outside the slums, in the homes where people are better off financially life is still a struggle. There is no support for parents and nowhere for the kids to go, so these families are met with a double challenge.
God has shown me these needs in a very clear and real way. He has brought many children with disabilities unexpectedly into my life and shown me how much help they need. When Brian came into my life I KNEW that God was giving me a wake up call. We were on our way to see a kid that we heard needed a place to stay. On the way there I prayed a little prayer that if there was a child with disabilities in need that God would allow me to be able to help. We arrived and then I saw Brian. They told us he was two years old and even though I only saw him briefly, I could see that he had severe physical disabilities. At two years old, he still couldn’t hold up his head, sit, walk, crawl or talk, but I was ready for the challenge. He didn’t sleep well, needed to eat special foods and he kept getting sick. This poor kid had ben tossed from house to house his whole life because no one wanted him. Brian’s health was completely neglected by his parents. He had Tuberculosis and Meningitis that had not been treated on top of having cerebral palsy. I have seen first hand how frustrating it is to have a child that no one can tell you what is wrong with him and how you can help him get better.
Brian, now healthy and happy |
Through all these challenges, I’ve seen God’s hand more in my life than I ever have before. Brian was thrown away. Abandoned by his parents, not cared for by anyone and God brought him in front of me and showed me the reality of how much harder life is here for kids with disabilities. He’s given me the passion, training and strength that I need to be able to help these kids know that they are loved and that they are precious in his sight. I could tell stories for days about all of the kids who I have found that have touched my heart and given me this desire to help in every way that I can.
I know that God cares infinitely more about these children than I ever could, which is why he has put their plight so heavily on my heart. I believe that his purpose for bringing me here was to open my eyes and challenge me to use the talents he gave me and do something about it. I know God has been preparing this for me before I even knew it myself. He led me to get my credential so that I would be properly equipped and trained for teaching children with severe special needs. I feel God’s next step for me is a big one. I would like to open up a home, a safe place, where children with disabilities can come and live. I want to provide them with an opportunity to have a warm bed, clean clothes and good meals. I want to celebrate with them as they make huge victories that others may view as only little improvements. I want to do all I can to give them a way to communicate their wants and needs.I want to embrace them for who they are and show them God’s love because of how much love I have been given. With a little help and a lot of faith and prayer I know anything is possible with Christ.
Here are just a few of the faces of children around Kitale that I have come to know and love. I am excited to provide those with the greatest need a loving home and help others be supported to reach their full potential with their families in their homes.
Mary |
Isaac |
Edwin |
Triza |
Henry |
Faith |
Cyril |
Lucy |
Please keep me and these little ones in your prayers. Pray that God will give me strength as I take steps to follow his will. Pray that the kids moving into the home will be able to make a smooth transition and pray for those who are being supported in their homes to thrive. This vision and call that God has giving me is beyond what I expected and beyond what I can personally carry. Many of you have asked how you can be involved with my work here and up until this point the only answer I had was prayer. With that prayer support God has called me to open up this children’s home and shown me the cost that will take to maintain. I am trying to put together a team that will collectively work together to support my vision financially as well as through prayer. I realize that different individuals and families can give in different ways; that may be a one time donation or monthly support. I ask that you please pray over and consider any amount of financial support that you and your family can manage. If you would like to contribute to my commitment in Kitale please send an email to for more details.
You will be successful and you will love and help those children more than anyone can. Of this, I have no doubt!