I would like to start by saying huge thank you for all of your support. It is encouraging to see people that are so willing to give and help us along this journey. So far we are making progress on the land and are exciting that things are coming together. So far we have leveled out the property, put up a fence and put in a water tap.
All fenced in. |
Leveling out the land. |
The water tap. |
We also constructed pit latrines for use before we put in the septic tank.
Digging the hole for the latrines. |
Mixing the cement. |
All finished! |
We also had an architect in town draw up plans for property. In the future we are hoping to purchase the plot next to ours so we can duplicate this plan on the other side. That way we will have eight classrooms plus a boys and a girls dorm.
The first part of the building plans. |
We have been working on getting permits and approval for the buildings and after all of that comes through we will be able to start construction. After getting better estimate of the prices for a temporary structure we realized that it would be a better use of our funds to start construction on the main house first, even if the progress is slow. We are hoping to be able to lay the foundation soon and go from there.
Thank you again for all of your prayers and support. We thank God for putting such faithful people to come alongside the work we are doing at Precious Kids Center and walk down this path with us.
Thanks for posting the progress Sammy.