Our school is also growing bigger by the day. It’s great to see so many people coming to the gate asking if they can enroll their children. On This week we welcomed four new students.
The kids greeting their new friends. |
Ashley is quiet and reserved, but is adjusting well to being in school.
Her younger sister Grace has the exact opposite personality. She is a sassy little girl who loves being the center of attention.
Yusu is a sweet little boy who loves playing on the swings. He is bright and has never been in school and is catching up to the other kids quickly.
Melody is quiet and shy, but enjoys being in school. I met her a few years ago when she would come with her mother to a bible study we were doing in town. Then she was so small and terrified of me, but now she makes sure she comes up and says hi to me every morning.
We are blessed to have more new faces showing up everyday. We are glad that God is expanding our school and are looking forward to what He has planned for us in the future.
Good Stuff! Beautiful kids. Thanks Sammy.