We need your prayers here in Kitale this week. Brian has been sick on and off since we took him and all of the doctors in town had not been able to figure out what is wrong with him. Two days ago, it got really bad and he was admitted to a hospital in town.
When we first took him his father, Masai, gave us about two weeks worth of medicine for him. When it ran out we asked him if we needed to get more or if he would be alright without it. Masai told us if we wanted to give it to him we could and if we didn’t want to we didn’t have to. So we looked in town for the medicine and none of the pharmacies had it and Masai didn’t seem like it was urgent so we stopped looking. Today we found out that the medicine was to treat Tuberculosis. It was supposed to be given for six months, but it was stopped after about four months. So when they test for TB it doesn’t show up, which is why no doctor could figure out what was wrong with him and why he wasn’t getting better after the other medicines we were trying.
Since the TB has gone untreated for so long its really bad and Brian keeps getting weaker. They are going to do a lumbar puncture to drain some of the fluid in his spine. If that doesn’t help him improve then they are going to start him on the medicine again. The only problem with that, is because it was stopped early last time he may be resistant to it. Please pray for healing and a rapid recovery for Brian and that God will bring this sweet little smile back to his face.
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