Wednesday, September 7, 2011

          It’s been a busy week and I haven’t been to town for a while. So when I went today, I asked one of the other boys who live on the street where Ambrose was. He told us that he had gone home and left the streets. We were happy to hear that he had made that decision on his own, but much to our surprise we ran into Ambrose on the way home and he was not as happy and smiley as he normally is. He told us that he had gone home and had just gotten back. He went on to say that his mother had left and no one knew where she had gone. He was holding back tears as he was telling us this. He told us his father was still around, but that he is a very harsh man, so he came back to Kitale town. 

  This shows me that he is ready to get off the streets. First he stopped sniffing glue and now he tried to go home, but did not find anyone to welcome him back. So he felt he had no choice, but to run back to the streets. Ambrose has really been on my heart and on my mind these past few weeks. I’ve been praying for a way to help Ambrose and get him into a place where he is loved, can go back to school and get good meals everyday. If God has put Ambrose on your heart as well and you would like to commit to sponsoring Ambrose and make it possible for these things to happen for him please contact me. 

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