There are more 11 milion people living all over the horn of Africa who are suffering from a lack of food. Lodwar is an area where the people of the Turkana tribe live in Northern Eastern Kenya and they are suffering severely. It is one of the hottest, driest and most impoverished areas of Kenya. People are dying everyday because the terrain is not good for growing crops, livestock are dying and prices of food are too high for most to afford it.
This week I had the amazing opportunity to go up to Lodwar and distribute 11 tons of maize and beans with some team members and local pastors. It was an amazing experience. Over two days we passed out food in five different villages to about 1,500 families. It was crazy to see such desperation because the people there have very little hope of their situation getting any better. The food we gave them won’t last long, but at least the people have a bit of relief and know that their situation is not going unnoticed. It was incredible to see the joy and love that these people have despite their circumstances. Pray that God will continue to provide for these people in need. I could write for days about all the things that happened while we were in Lodwar, but here are some pictures that say it all.
We drove 10 hours on bumpy roads to get to Lodwar. |
Daniel road with us for a part of the way to make sure our van was safe. |
Huts that the Turkana people live in. |
A village we passed along the way. |
A room full of the maize and beans that we distributed. |
Pastor George talking to the people before the distribution |
People waiting in line to get their food. |
Everyone praying before the food was passed out. |
The women were singing, dancing and giving thanks to God for the food they received. |
More mamas waiting in line for their maize and beans. |
Policemen helped keep the distributions orderly. |
Hannah surrounded by a bunch of children. |
All of the adults stood with their food on their heads while listening to the message. |
Meanwhile, the kids sifted through the sand for the small bits of maize and beans that dropped. |
This little guy stayed right by Pastor Steve's side the whole time. |
Sammy, the people are so beautiful, and so are your pictures. I am praying for God's hand to be at work in the work you are doing there and that the Gospel will spread along with the food.