We have had a busy week starting up our new schedules serving at the different ministries around Kitale. My highlight this week was getting to spend a lot of time in Shimo la Tewa. Shimo is the slum that is nearest to the compound where we stay. It’s great to be able to walk down the road for a few minutes and spend time serving and loving our closest neighbors who are also in need. The story is the same there as it is in many places around Kitale. Some of the parents work hard to provide for their families and still struggle to get enough money and food to support them. Others become discouraged by the challenges that come with living in poverty and fall into drinking the local brew. Throughout the week members of the team have been walking around the neighborhood getting to know the people who live there. There is so much need all around so we do what we can to serve even in small ways.
Outside of John and Sammy's houses |
When I first saw Micah, he was walking around barefoot only putting pressure on his heel. I walked over and looked at the bottom of his foot and saw a huge cut with mud caked over the top of it. I bought him some shoes and socks for help keep his foot clean and we have been changing his bandage every three days and it’s getting better every day.
John is a sweet little boy who live in Shimo. He isn’t old enough to come to Oasis of Hope but over the years I have been able to spend some time with his three older sisters to attend school there. It has been great being able to walk around the area and get to know the siblings and mothers of many of the children from Oasis.
Sammy lives a few doors down from John. He is almost a year and a half. His family has had a rough year and his parents are struggling with their marriage as well as trying to provide for their family. We have been bringing Sammy plumpy nut, a supplement used for treating malnourishment, for a few weeks and he is looking better every day.
He is adorable! Plumpy nut, sounds yummy.