God keeps bringing more and more kids to us and continues to bless us. Each time we think the house is too full, or we have our hands too full, God steps in and shows us that truly he only knows what is best for us. We got a call about a children’s home in a town called Nakuru that is about four hours away from here. This home had 130 kids with various kinds of disabilities and were basically just using the kids to get donations that they were using for themselves. The home was shut down by the government children’s office and they were left with many children that were difficult to place. When they called us they asked if they could send a few children for us to meet and if they were a good fit for our home.
Lillian and Manu playing outside |
We were blessed to get to meet Lillian and Manu. Two very precious little children. Lillian had lived at the home as long as she could remember. She has no cognitive impairments, but has some medical issues due to her spina bifida and needs an operation. She walks with crutches because her left leg was amputated just below the knee. She is adjusting well to living in a safe place and is starting to open up and become more comfortable. At the other home she was responsible for a lot of the care giving and chores that the staff should have been taking care of. She is a sweet girl and watches out for her “brother” Manu. She is a smart little girl with a giving heart. She helps out without being asked and is excited to start going to school.

Manu is also such a sweet little guy. We were told that Emmanuel was abandoned at a local hospital and then was taken in to live at this other home. Emmanuel was malnourished and also suffering from rickets, iron deficiency, malaria and typhoid on top of his disability. He has one arm that doesn’t move the way that it should, and Lillian told us that it was because one of the staff members at the other home threw him onto the bed, dislocating his shoulder and elbow and it was never treated so now there is permanent damage. Even though he can’t walk on his own, he is an active and energetic little guy. You will find him sitting and scooting around the house, or lying on his back or stomach and scooting around the hallway. Whichever way he is set down, he just starts going. He can only say a few words, but he understands everything that he is told and loves to laugh.
Franco and Manu playing |
We are blessed to have such a full house and can’t wait to watch as God continues to touch these 10 precious lives that he’s brought into our lives.