Yesterday was one of those days where my heart was really broken. I wrote a couple of days ago about how we took Cyril to the hospital so that she could get the medicine she needed. We got a call from Cyril’s aunt in the afternoon and she said that we should go down and check on Cyril because she wasn’t doing well. The second I pulled back the curtain and walked through the door my heart was crushed. Cyril was laying on the floor on half a mattress just screaming and crying, obviously in pain. The mother was sitting on the ground next to her crying because she was worried about her child. In her other arm she was holding a crying, upset Henry who also wasn’t feeling well. This picture will forever be stuck in my mind; the desperation that a mother feels when she can’t help her child and the pain of a child with disabilities living in the slums with such little resources.
The hard thing about finding out what is wrong with Cyril is that she doesn’t talk, so everything that you do to help her is guesswork. So we started asking the mother questions. She told us that Cyril started passing out, having seizures and losing her appetite early that morning. Cyril kept grabbing at the back of her said so we asked if she had bumped it when she had fallen down. Her mother said that she was going to feed the new baby and Cyril stood up and passed out, hitting her head on the way down. All of this happened for such a simple reason: food. The medicine for malaria is very hard on the system and needs to be taken with good meals. Cyril’s mother tries, but she can’t afford to give her children three balanced meals a day. So we did what we could and brought them some small things to eat for the next few days. When we went back to the house that same day Cyril had calmed down and looked like she was feeling better. Only God can provide a solution for problems like these so please remember to keep Cyril and her family in your prayers.