This week I was thinking back on the kids that we have taken to live at the baby home and far they have come since the first day that we saw them. God has a plan for every life and his creation never ceases to amaze me. When we first took all of these kids they were in bad shape and only a few months and in some cases only weeks later you would never know that they ever lived in a tough situation.
When we took Rose and Rael in August, they looked like this. Niether of them talked or smiled.
Rael couldn’t even eat more than 3 bites of the food we were giving her because her system was so used to not having any food. Rael just sat all day, didn’t crawl, didn’t walk, didn’t talk and didn’t play.
Rael on the first day I met her |
Rael getting a bath right after we brought her to the house |
Now all it takes is a look at her and her face lights up with a huge smile. She is content to sit and play by herself, but she will also crawl over and join the others. When I walked in the house this morning she said “Habari” (how are you) and greeted me. Then she stood up on her own and took a few steps all by herself. Four short months ago none of that would have been possible.
Now she's a chunky little thing.
Crawling away after bath time. |
Then there is Rose. She wasn't as malnourished as Rael, but she was far from healthy. She was also quiet and was not very active. She could walk, but was very unsteady and couldn't move very quickly.
Rose |
She is also one of the happiest kids I’ve ever met. She is one of the leaders at the house, even though a lot of the kids are younger than her. Whenever I come she always is the first to call my name and run over to me with her arms open wide ready for a huge hug. She is only 3 years old and is already a great little helper. You can send her to pass on a message, or bring you something and you know it will be done right away. Whenever she hears Rael cry she always stops whatever she’s doing and comes over to comfort her.
They are such sweet kids and I am glad that God allowed me to be a part of their lives and to watch them grow from malnourished, frail little kids to these joyful little girls.
Then there’s Brian. We’ve had a lot of up and downs with him. When we first took him he cried day and night for a week, but we stuck with him. Then he started getting sick on and off and we stuck with him. Then he kept getting worse and had to go in and out of the hospital, but we stuck with him. There were many times when we thought that we were going to have to send him back to his father and also a few times that we thought we might lose him. He is a fighter and he is getting better and stronger everyday.
Brian on the first day he came to the house. |
Since he’s been back from the hospital I feel like we are finally able to see the real Brian. He is so playful and even is starting to be more vocal. He constantly has a huge smile on his face and will always say hi to anyone that walks in the room. He is getting better at holding up his head and will try to pull himself up to his feet if you hold him a certain way. Once again, I am blessed to have had this child placed in my life despite the challenges he brought. Through sleepless nights with Brian, long days spent at the hospital and days where we just couldn’t figure out what was wrong with him God has showed me that he is in control. He truly holds each and every life in his hands and cares for every individual that he created with his own hands.
Brian practicing holding up his head.
A few months ago this wouldn't have been possible. |
He's the cutest. |